
Curtis Story

Curtis lost his job and accommodation after becoming depressed and going to hospital. He ended up homeless – surviving on the streets of London. His life began to turn around after meeting someone who listened to him and referred him to the 'Two Step' programme. 

'Two Step' helped Curtis find somewhere to live after helping him to access a night shelter. He was then able to continue attending a church in west London which provided the community to support his recovery from homelessness. He also started volunteering with HOPE worldwide and attended theatre workshops with an employment partner.

Curtis has battled through a lot and life is still a struggle – however he has persevered through the challenges and recently performed a leading role in public arts performance of ‘As you like it’ in collaboration with the National Theatre. This really boosted his confidence. He is now actively seeking work, attending interviews and looking forward to getting back into employment. 

Curtis (right) starring in 'As you like it' in collaboration with the National Theatre

People experience poverty in different ways. We find this model by Jon Kuhrt helpful. (for more information see this article from his blog)

1. Resources – cannot afford accommodation, food and other essentials

2. Relationships – London can be a very lonely place if you don’t have  friends and family who are able help you and encourage you

3. Identity – if you feel ignored or have had a difficult past it can affect your sense of self

The Two Step programme seeks to help provide the support to address all these forms of poverty. If you want to know more about how you could help people in Curtis' situation, go to